After careful consideration, we decided to research further into these 3 genres; coming of age, crime drama and romantic. We also looked at different films and series which fit these genres.
- Urban setting; beach, school, diner
- Sound / music represents mood of characters
- Props; roses, hearts, chocolate
Roses For Lily - Harry Holland
- The effective cinematography and narrative creates an active audience.
- Use of warm colours to represent friendliness and love
- Non diegetic romantic jazz music throughout the film depicts the romantic genre
- Medium / long shots at eye line level makes it more sincere to the audience
- Rose represents love
- Effective use of storyline and how it ends with the protagonist telling his love story to his grandson
- Use of dialogue to confuse and hook the audience - gets them thinking which creates active audience
- Involve props that are harmful; knife, gun
- Characters will usually involve vulnerability and gang violence
- Lowkey lighting, POV shots, establishing shots
The Game - Cuni Cinematics
- Low-key lighting throughout the film makes it suspenseful
- Suspenseful music to set the mood and tone
- Range of close ups toward the end, depict the seriousness of the film
- Use of sound effects to emphasise violence and crime
- Guns / alcohol / cigarettes / hostage --> crime genre
- Set in high school, teenager's bedroom, shopping centre, isolated urban area - Highlight social structures and social groups in a school environment, focusing on main groups which form the social hierarchies - Voiceovers, upbeat music, sfx; school bell, radio, school chatter - Involvement of drugs / alcohol, technology
She Paradise - Maya Cozier
- Produced by women, female cast / lead
- Emphasises women empowerment
- Range of camera shots and movement keeps audience engaged with the film
- Upbeat music, little dialogue to depict the coming of age / finding herself
- Bright colours to represent fun and development